The Passion Guide
I created this guide to help women/moms around the globe explore their passions and figure out a way to start living the lives of their dreams.
So give yourself a high five because you are now taking vital steps to figuring out how to LIVE again.
Some Things You Might Be Saying To Yourself:
I want to feel alive.
I want to find a career that brings me joy.
I want to be fulfilled.
I am ready to live and wake up excited to go to work.
I want to be home with my kids and be there for all their best moments.
I want to travel the world and live life on my terms.
I deserve to be happy.
I once had dreams and now they had fallen to the wayside.

I Struggled So Hard Finding My Passion
and joys in life. I was unfulfilled in my corporate job and wanted desperately to travel the world and help people. I couldn't help but think... How could I turn my passion into a career? Was this even possible? It seemed simple, but nothing was coming to me. After seeking out a coach, I was able to get a clear vision on what I really wanted out of my life. Life coaching has always been embedded in me. There are aspects of this calling that I’ve had since childhood and I was ignoring it for years.
I let go of what others thought of me and started living life for me, not for others.
I hope this guide is a great start to figuring out what YOU want and what brings YOU joy.